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About National Achievers Congress 

The National Achievers Congress – NAC by Success Resources, now in its 30th year, is not just an event; it's an extraordinary celebration of the human spirit, a testament to the relentless pursuit of greatness. Proudly hosting millions of people and the world's most notorious leaders from industry titans and financial wizards to motivational icons and entrepreneurial geniuses, the National Achievers Congress boasts an unrivaled lineup of speakers who have shaped the course of history with their audacity and determination. 

The National Achievers Congress 2024 features esteemed authorities such as Robert Kiyosaki, Ken Honda & other wealth experts to guide participants through a powerful 2-day process, waking the enlightened entrepreneur and investor inside you. The National Achievers Congress is recognized as a premier NAC international educational financial event, drawing attendees from across the globe.


Author Of “RICH DAD POOR DAD”, The #1 Personal Finance Book Of All Time

Robert Kiyosaki is a renowned entrepreneur, investor, and bestselling author known for his ground-breaking book, "Rich Dad Poor Dad."; which has sold millions of copies worldwide.

His book challenged conventional thinking about money and presented a paradigm-shifting perspective on wealth creation and encouraged people to rethink their attitudes towards money, assets, and liabilities, ultimately empowering them to take control of their financial destinies.

Kiyosaki's ability to simplify complex financial concepts and his emphasis on the importance of financial education struck a chord with readers from all walks of life. He has then become one of the leading voices in educating people in the area of developing their own personal finances. With a passion for financial education, Kiyosaki founded the Rich Dad Company, empowering individuals to take control of their financial futures and pursue their dreams and financial independence.

Today, “Rich Dad Poor Dad” still holds the #1 personal finance book of all time around the world and Robert Kiyosaki himself, continues to be a driving force in the personal development industry, equipping people with the knowledge and mindset required to navigate the ever-changing financial landscape.


Japan International Best Seller & Author of Happy Money

As a celebrated speaker at the NAC international educational financial event, Ken Honda brings his wealth of knowledge and experience to an audience eager to learn about financial well-being and personal growth. His participation in the NAC international educational financial event highlights his status as a leading figure in financial self-help and underscores the event's commitment to empowering individuals with the tools and insights needed for financial success and personal fulfillment.

As detailed in his writings, Honda's philosophy on money and happiness resonates with a wide audience, making him a sought-after speaker at worldwide financial events, including the prestigious NAC international educational financial event. His message of financial harmony and personal contentment aligns with the goals of the NAC international educational financial event, where attendees come together to explore innovative strategies for wealth creation, financial independence, and personal development


#1 New York Times bestselling author of Creating Wealth, Multiple Streams of Income and The One Minute Millionaire

Robert G. Allen is an author and mentor beloved for his down-to-earth style and highly effective systems. His purpose in life is to help you achieve your dreams.


He's been teaching and writing towards that purpose for forty years. His first book, the colossal #1 New York Times bestseller, Nothing Down: How to Buy Real Estate with Little or No Money Down, is the largest selling real estate investment book in history, and established Bob as one of the most influential investment advisors of all time. Nothing Down stayed on the New York Times bestseller list for a whopping 54 weeks. In his following bestsellers, Creating Wealth and The Challenge, he expanded on his highly profitable real estate techniques and philosophy.

His massive bestseller Multiple Streams of Income coined the phrase and introduced the income-earning philosophy that has become the dominant theme of the new millennium--preached by countless thought leaders, authority marketers, and entrepreneurs.

Explore the National Achievers Congress Gallery.

Peek Behind the Curtain of Success! Witness Achievement in Motion at the National Achievers Congress."

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